Is it a muscle tremor if your arm muscles keep jumping?

Pathologic factors of the arm muscles keep jumping are mainly muscle bundle tremor, calcium deficiency and physiological causes of involuntary activity of the innervation and overactivity and other factors.
1. Pathological factors
(1) Myofascial tremor: if the arm muscle jumps frequently, part of it is clinically manifested as myofascial tremor, which is a serious symptom of anterior horn cell injury. Such as cervical spinal cord cavernous disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and progressive spinal muscular atrophy in motor neuron disease, cervical medullary tumor, poliomyelitis, etc., arm muscle jumping can occur, and it is recommended to do electromyography or cervical medullary MRI.
(2) Calcium deficiency: when calcium ion is lowered due to calcium deficiency, it will lead to increased neuromuscular excitability, which will easily lead to muscle throbbing, and it is recommended to take biochemical calcium ion test.
2. Physiological factors
(1) Involuntary activity of innervation: Most of the arm muscles have involuntary throbbing, which will stop in a few seconds or ten seconds, or the muscle throbbing occurs during sleep. In fact, they are all involuntary activities of the innervation, and the brain sends down the feedback of nerve impulses.
(2) excessive activity: excessive activity of the upper limbs, fatigue, often physiological, in fact, do not have to care about, after rest can be relieved and disappear.
The arm muscles have been jumping suggest actively seek medical attention, under the guidance of the physician diagnosis and treatment.

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