How long does it take to cure idiopathic tremor in Chinese medicine?

How long does it take to cure idiopathic tremor in Chinese medicine is not yet conclusive, according to the individual’s physique is different, the condition is different, the situation varies from person to person. The disease belongs to the category of tremor in Chinese medicine, which may be related to the disturbance of internal wind (caused by abnormal function of internal organs), deficiency of qi and blood, and deficiency of yang, and can be relieved by taking traditional Chinese medicine prescription. Wind-yang internal movement evidence can be seen limb tremor, can not control, dizziness, face red, tinnitus, irritability, such patients need to calm the liver to calm the wind, soothe the tendons to stop tremor, can use tianmaji hook vine drink combined with calm the liver to calm the wind soup treatment. Phlegm-heat and wind-driven syndrome can be seen in head shaking and limb trembling, numbness of limbs, chest and epigastric constriction, bitter and sticky mouth, or even spitting phlegm and saliva, etc. The treatment is to clear away the heat and resolve phlegm, pacify the liver and calm the wind and it can be treated with Phlegm-guiding Soup combined with Antelope and Hooked Vine Soup. Symptoms such as head shaking and limb trembling, insomnia and heartburn, dizziness and tinnitus, forgetfulness, etc. can be seen in Yin deficiency and wind movement syndrome. The treatment is to nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish the Yin and calm the wind and the symptoms can be treated with Da Dingfengzhu or Turtle and Deer Erxian Cream. Symptoms such as head shaking and limb trembling, white face, indifferent expression, dizziness, dullness (no appetite, reduced food intake), etc. can be seen in the syndrome of deficiency of qi and blood, which can be treated with ginseng nourishing and nourishing the tendons and veins, and can be treated with ginseng nourishing and nourishing soup. Yang qi deficiency can be seen in head shaking and limb trembling, numbness of the limbs, shortness of breath when moving, spontaneous sweating (involuntary sweating during the daytime, sweating worsens with a little movement) and other symptoms, the treatment is to replenish the kidney to help the yang and warm the tendons and veins, and the treatment can be used to treat with dihuang yuzhi (yellow coloring drink). If you suffer from idiopathic tremor disease, please go to the hospital in time for consultation and standardized treatment under the doctor’s guidance, and do not take medication on your own.

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