Prevention and relief of hand tremor symptoms

  Some patients with tremor in both hands, due to long-term mental tension, resulting in increased sympathetic excitability, may be accompanied by symptoms of panic; mostly in the elderly, therefore, they should relax their lives, be more active and pay attention to their diet. Most idiopathic tremor? patients have only mild tremor, only 0.5%~11.1% patients need treatment, less than 50% of them can control the symptoms well with drugs, the rest of patients are not sensitive to drugs, the treatment is not effective and need botulinum toxin injection or stereotactic treatment.  Prevention and relief methods of bimanual tremor: 1.Reduce airway resistance,reduce energy consumption.  2.Improve the condition of the body Enhance the intake of sugar, protein and various kinds, if necessary, intravenous injection of compound amino drum, plasma, albumin.  3.Adhere to the daily respiratory gymnastics to enhance the activity of respiratory muscles.  4.Use extracorporeal diaphragm pacemaker, when the respiratory muscle fatigue, you can use extracorporeal diaphragm pacemaker, improve alveolar ventilation, exercise the diaphragm, enhance the activity function of the diaphragm.  Prevention of respiratory muscle fatigue helps to prevent the decrease in the original power of respiratory movements and to prevent the occurrence of the decrease in alveolar ventilation.  Measures to relieve respiratory muscle fatigue include: reducing energy consumption relieving bronchospasm, eliminating bronchial mucosal edema, reducing bronchial secretions, and eliminating stubborn phlegm.

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