Does neonatal nystagmus heal on its own?

Neonatal nystagmus does not usually resolve spontaneously, and complications such as strabismus and amblyopia may occur as a result of the lack of timely corrective treatment. The exact cause of neonatal nystagmus is still unclear, and may be related to factors such as genetics and the development of the eye movement center. Generally speaking, it will not recover slowly, and current research and medical treatment methods are not able to solve the problem from the root cause, which needs to be discovered and corrected in time for treatment. The main treatments for neonatal nystagmus are surgical or non-surgical, the main goal is to improve the nystagmus state and improve the compensatory head position, and if there is a refractive error, it should be corrected first, and depending on the specific circumstances, surgical treatments such as intermediate band transposition can also be chosen. It is recommended that congenital nystagmus occurring in children should be detected in a timely manner and seek medical attention, complete electrophysiological and other auxiliary examinations, and then choose the treatment or correction method according to the specific circumstances.

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