What is the treatment for amblyopia in adults

Adults with amblyopia can be treated with general therapy, medication, and surgery. However, it should be noted that in adulthood, the time for treatment has usually been missed and the possibility of cure is smaller.

1. General treatment: If patients suffer from amblyopia, they can train their amblyopic eyes through outdoor activities, puzzles and drawings.

2. Medication: If the patient suffers from amblyopia and has low to moderate refractive error, he/she can use medication such as atropine sulfate and levodopa under the guidance of a professional doctor.

3. Surgery: For amblyopia caused by congenital cataracts, ptosis and other diseases, surgery can be used.

For amblyopia, treatment before the age of 12 is usually effective. After adulthood, the best time for treatment has been missed, and the current treatment may not be able to improve the function of the eyes satisfactorily.

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