What are the latest treatments for idiopathic tremor

Idiopathic tremor, also known as primary tremor, can be treated with medication and surgery, there is no so-called newest treatment method, and it should be analyzed with the patient’s time of illness, underlying conditions and other specific analysis. 1. Drug therapy: drug therapy is the common treatment for idiopathic tremor, and the treatment should be pursued on an individualized basis. For mild tremor that does not affect daily life, long-term medication may not be required, and due to the need for work or social interaction, the medication can be taken half an hour beforehand, while for tremor that affects daily life and work, long-term medication should be taken according to the doctor’s instructions. Commonly used drugs are propranolol, pramipexole and so on. 2. Surgical treatment: If the tremor seriously affects the patient’s life and work quality, and the patient is given sufficient medication, but still can not obtain satisfactory results, or there are intolerable adverse drug reactions, feasible thalamic ventral intermediate nucleus – deep brain electrical stimulation treatment. If the diagnosis of idiopathic tremor, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time, under the guidance of the doctor, according to different circumstances, choose different and appropriate treatment.

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