Why does the flesh next to the finger hurt?

There are three main reasons for the pain in the flesh next to the fingers: first, due to excessive force when lifting heavy objects in the set, resulting in damage to the muscles next to the fingers caused by strains, which can lead to local stimulation of nerve tissue and painful sensations. Second, frequent finger activities, or excessive force for a long time, resulting in muscle tissue fatigue and strain, resulting in inflammatory metabolites, especially in the case of cold after the activity will lead to more and more inflammatory accumulation, stimulation of peripheral nerves to make the pain very obvious. Third, due to tendonitis in the soft tissues around the finger joints such as tendons and tendon sheaths, so that when the finger activities are carried out, the tendons and tendon sheaths produce a relatively large frictional reaction, the inflammation gradually formed will also appear in this location of the obvious pain.

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