Do you apply the margarine to the meatballs or squeeze it inside?

Meatballs should refer to hemorrhoids. Ma Ying Long usually refers to Ma Ying Long Musk Hemorrhoid Cream, which should usually be applied evenly to the hemorrhoids. Before applying the hemorrhoid cream, the skin around the anus should be cleaned, the hemorrhoid cream should be gently, evenly applied to the hemorrhoids, and the area where it was applied should be allowed to dry. For internal hemorrhoids, it is usually necessary to deliver the medication with the help of a special catheter distributed with the cream and squeeze the medication into the rectum. Hemorrhoid cream has anti-inflammatory, swelling and pain-relieving properties. Prolonged overdose may cause itching, fever, perianal discomfort and other uncomfortable symptoms. When using it, care should be taken to use it under the guidance of a doctor, and allergy sufferers are forbidden to use it. When using the drug, it should be used under the guidance of a doctor, not blindly self-medication to avoid adverse effects.

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