Can HIV 10 week negative be ruled out?

10 weeks AIDS test negative, if the nucleic acid antigen test can be ruled out, if the antibody test, generally can be ruled out, but individual patients antibody production time is long, it is recommended to extend the time to check again. 1. Antigen test is the earliest test method, one to two weeks can produce results, 10 weeks AIDS nucleic acid antigen test, the test results are negative can be excluded from the infection of AIDS. 2. Antibody test is HIV into the body, the body produces an immune response, producing antibodies, generally need four to six weeks, 10 weeks negative test results can basically be ruled out, due to the part of the patient to produce antibodies for a longer period of time, and some of the late need 12 weeks, or even 6 months, it is recommended to extend the time to check again. So whether HIV 10 weeks negative can be ruled out is related to the test method, if the antibody test, it is recommended to extend the time to check again.

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