How to stop taking nifedipine controlled release tablets

Nifedipine Controlled-Release Tablets should be tapered until discontinued at the doctor’s discretion. In addition, other drugs can also be selected for treatment, during which blood pressure should also be monitored. Nifedipine controlled-release tablets can be used for hypertension treatment, if the drug is suddenly stopped, it is easy to lead to a rebound rise in blood pressure, so stopping the drug must be under the guidance of a doctor. If blood pressure control is stable after taking the drug, it is generally not recommended to stop taking the drug. If you want to stop the drug, you should take other antihypertensive drugs, such as amlodipine, irbesartan, etc. under the advice of a doctor. Nifedipine controlled-release tablets should not be discontinued too quickly, you need to follow the doctor’s instructions to gradually less frequent use of the drug, until completely stopped. If the blood pressure is not well controlled during the withdrawal period, the doctor should be informed to adjust the regimen. Nifedipine should not be used during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy or if you are breastfeeding, and should not be used in combination with rifampicin. Nifedipine controlled-release tablets may cause headache, edema and other adverse reactions, and tests have shown some teratogenicity. When blood pressure abnormalities need to actively consult the doctor, follow the doctor’s instructions for rational treatment.

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