How to regulate viscous menstrual blood

The sticky menstrual blood indicates excess heat and moisture in the body or stagnant blood, which can be regulated through diet and also through medication. 1, usually life and diet, to develop good habits and eating habits, do not stay up late, develop good rest habits, reduce the intake of high-calorie, high-protein food, do not eat spicy, greasy, fatty, sweet, thick and cold hard food, and do not eat sweets. 2, with the seasons The exchange of clothes, not to eat chilled food in the summer. It is best for women to protect the yang energy in their bodies in order to make the spleen and stomach function strong and healthy, and to avoid sticky menstrual blood. If you don’t get through the conditioning, it is recommended to use Chinese herbs for conditioning. The sticky menstrual blood indicates that the blood is hot or thick, so you need to use drugs that have the effect of activating blood stasis, clearing heat and dampness, clearing heat and cooling blood for conditioning.

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