How to regulate sexual disorders in men

Sexual dysfunction in men can be regulated by medication, surgery. Psychotherapy and other ways to regulate, please follow the doctor’s instructions.
1. Drugs: such as dopaminergic drugs (such as yohimbine hydrochloride, etc.) have the effect of enhancing libido and maintaining erection. There are also drugs for erectile dysfunction, including sildenafil, tadalafil, epinephrine, mesalamine and other drugs to improve men’s erectile function.
2. Surgery: For example, premature ejaculation is mainly treated by dorsal penile nerve selective cutting; while erectile dysfunction can be treated by vascular reconstruction and penile prosthesis implantation.
3. Psychological treatment: If the patient has anxiety, fear and other emotions, or previous related psychological trauma, can consult a professional psychologist for treatment.
It is recommended that patients consult a doctor in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor standardized treatment, all drugs should be used in accordance with the doctor’s instructions, do not blindly self-medication. At the same time, patients should develop good habits, pay attention to rest, exercise, to help the body to recover.

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