Slightly elevated echogenicity in the uterine cavity after a medical abortion, is it okay?

After the medication abortion, the ultrasound suggests that there is a slightly high echo in the uterine cavity, which is generally considered to be related to the retention of pregnancy tissue, blood accumulation in the uterine cavity, etc. Generally, it is necessary to comply with the doctor’s instructions to promote the contraction of the uterus and other medications, or to further carry out the purging operation, so as to avoid the formation of infection, excessive bleeding, etc., the specific needs to be judged by a professional doctor according to the condition. After the medication abortion usually need to review the uterine adnexa B ultrasound examination, if found in the uterine cavity has a slightly higher echo, generally consider the residual pregnancy tissue, blood in the uterine cavity, etc., there may be incomplete abortion. If the diameter of the abnormal echogenic mass is relatively small, consider the possibility of blood accumulation, you can use drugs under the guidance of the doctor to promote the discharge of residual material or blood clots, such as compound motherwort tablets, uterine contraction, etc., and appropriate activities, according to the condition of the ultrasound again recheck. If it can not be discharged by itself, or the diameter of the abnormal echo mass is large, it is recommended to carry out timely clearance surgery. After the discovery of mixed echogenic masses in the uterine cavity after medication abortion, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner, after the doctor’s interview, combined with the size of the mixed echogenic masses and the symptoms of the woman, to formulate a reasonable treatment plan, do not take care of yourself, so as not to cause infection or excessive bleeding and other delays and aggravation of the condition may be.

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