Can congenital flat feet be corrected?

Congenital flat feet can be corrected by general treatment, orthopedic support or surgery according to specific conditions.
1. General treatment: pay attention to rest in daily life, avoid standing for a long time and long-distance walking, control weight, walk with the heel, toe and outer edge of the foot in order to build up the arch of the foot, and also perform foot massage to improve the deformity of flat feet.
2. Orthopedic support: You can choose suitable orthopedic shoes or arch pads and other auxiliary supports to correct the deformity.
3. Surgery: Patients with more serious conditions that affect their lives can also choose surgery, such as excision, fusion and other surgical methods for treatment.
It is recommended that patients with congenital flat feet should consult the hospital in time, and under the guidance of the doctor, actively treat the condition and have regular review, please do not blindly deal with it by yourself and delay the condition.

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