Does the most thorough method exist for removing a girl’s small beard?

The most thorough way to get rid of a girl’s small beard doesn’t exist, and it can generally be removed through endocrine regulation, laser and other ways. 1. Adjust the endocrine: female growth of small beard may be due to the body’s hormone secretion imbalance caused by the patient if the thymus hormone secretion or eat too much food containing hormones, may lead to body hair exuberant, suggest that the patient can be in the doctor’s guidance to take drugs to inhibit hormone secretion, such as ethinyl estradiol cyclopropylpropanediol tablets, ethyl estradiol tablets, and so on. 2. laser: female growth beard can generally be removed by laser hair removal and other ways, laser hair removal is mainly the use of laser photothermal effect to penetrate the skin, to reach the root of the hair follicle, so as to achieve the effect of removing the beard, usually can achieve permanent removal of the effect, it is recommended that patients should choose the regular hospital for hair removal. It is recommended that patients should choose a scientific and reasonable way to remove hair, do not use prescription, so as not to cause damage to the skin or hair follicles.

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