How to exercise to regulate liver qi stagnation

Liver qi stagnation can be regulated by jogging, playing tai chi, Ba Duan Jin and other exercises.
Liver qi stagnation is mainly due to the malfunction of the liver’s excretory function, resulting in qi stagnation, which is mainly manifested as emotional disorders, red eyes and dry mouth, distension and pain in the abdomen and ribs, discomfort in the spleen and stomach, and emotional anomalies.
Through jogging, playing taijiquan, eight-duanjin and other exercise methods, appropriate physical exercise, can regulate the whole body qi, keep the mood, enhance the role of physical fitness, so as to achieve the effect of liver detoxification. In the exercise should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, the amount of force, so as not to strain qi and blood, resulting in adverse consequences.
Patients with liver qi stagnation are advised to go to regular hospitals for treatment under the guidance of professional physicians.

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