Do painkillers for muscle pain work?

Muscle pain pain shot effective, but it is only auxiliary, can temporarily relieve the pain, the treatment of the symptoms do not cure the root cause, the specific root cause also need to be based on the condition of the treatment, the common causes of muscle strain, inflammation, tumors, etc., to take the treatment include general, drugs, surgery, etc.. 1. Muscle strain: It is mostly seen in people who often do strenuous exercise, or people who do heavy physical labor, take things and lift things. Muscle strain is easy to occur, and there is soreness and pain. You can take hot water to compress the painful parts, and also massage to relieve the pain. If necessary, you can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen. You can also take a painkilling injection to relieve the pain. 2. Inflammation: usually due to strain, cold and other factors, resulting in aseptic inflammatory response of the muscles, pain, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, etc., pain injection can also be. 3. Tumor: Tumor can also cause muscle pain, you can do radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy or immunotherapy for the tumor, etc., if necessary, you need painkillers. Muscle pain may also have other reasons, such as lumbar disc herniation, etc. If you only use painkillers at this time, you may miss the condition, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner to find out the cause of the disease, under the guidance of the doctor’s treatment and treatment, the use of medication needs to comply with the doctor’s instructions, should avoid blindly using their own medication.

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