Can you drink tea with aspirin?

Usually take aspirin can drink tea in moderation, but need to be spaced out for a period of time, so as not to affect the efficacy of the drug. Because aspirin can inhibit platelet aggregation, this drug is commonly used clinically to prevent recurrence of myocardial infarction, stroke and deep vein thrombosis after major surgery, pulmonary embolism and so on. Patients taking aspirin, usually can drink tea in moderation, but need to be spaced out for a period of time, so as to avoid the tea polyphenols and other substances in the tea and the drug components to react, thereby reducing the efficacy of aspirin. Some patients may experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other adverse reactions after taking aspirin, if the patient is allergic to the components of the drug, it is contraindicated to use aspirin. At the same time, active peptic ulcer, bleeding body, severe liver and kidney failure, severe heart failure and other special people, also contraindicated aspirin, so as not to aggravate the condition or induce other abnormalities. It is recommended that patients use aspirin under the guidance of a physician, and should not use the drug on their own or adjust the dosage of aspirin arbitrarily. Patients should try to take aspirin with lukewarm water, avoiding tea, freshly squeezed fruit juice or milk.

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