What should I do if I have a vague pain in my left upper abdomen under my ribs and a lot of farts?

The causes of left upper abdomen pain under ribs and farts include gastritis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, stomach cancer, improper diet, etc. Treatment includes medication and surgery. 1. Gastritis: If excessive stomach acid damages the stomach lining and causes excessive farting under the ribs in the upper abdomen, drugs such as omeprazole can be given to inhibit stomach acid. 2. Gastrointestinal dysfunction: For gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by various reasons, which results in a lot of farts in the left upper abdomen under the ribs, then drugs such as mosapride tablets can be given to increase gastrointestinal peristalsis and regulate the bacterial flora of Bacillus subtilis. 3. Gastric cancer: if it is stomach tumor that causes excessive farting in the left upper abdomen with hidden pain under the ribs, then it can be given surgical treatment such as major gastrectomy. 4. Improper diet: Eating too much or eating cold or spicy food, such as ice-cream, chili, usually stimulate the gastric mucosa, causing stomach cramps, indigestion, resulting in increased pressure in the stomach and intestines, which may compress the local muscles and nerves, leading to the left upper abdomen under the ribs pain and farting, at this time, you can give the appropriate massage of the abdomen to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis or hot compresses to treat. There are many other reasons for the left upper abdomen under the ribs pain farts, the above symptoms, please consult a doctor, all drugs must follow the doctor’s instructions.

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