What are the causes of gingivitis symptoms?

  Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums, is the long-term formation of plaque, or a thin layer of soft, sticky and colorless bacteria, on the teeth and gums. The gums are significant due to edema or fibrosis, with a red and/or dark red color, elevated gingival sulcus temperature, and irritation that tends to bleed. Signs and symptoms are confined to the gingival tissue. Increased amount of gingival sulcus fluid and elevated temperature.  Symptom causes: 1, unclean mouth, food residue accumulation between the teeth, long and decay into poison, wet poison invaded the gingiva and swelling pain.  2, food injury to the spleen and stomach, spleen deficiency, dampness and heat, dampness and heat accumulation in the gastrointestinal, through the meridian and up, fumigated gums, resulting in qi and blood plastic stagnation, fluid obstruction and swelling pain, overflowing blood.  3, malocclusion, certain systemic factors such as endocrine disorders, vitamin C deficiency, nutritional disorders and systemic diseases can also cause or aggravate gingivitis.  4, endocrine disorders, such as abnormal secretion of sex hormones, adrenal cortical hormones, thyroxine, etc.  5, diet and nutrition can have vitamin C deficiency, vitamin D and calcium, phosphorus deficiency or imbalance, malnutrition, etc.  6.The relationship between hemophilia and gum tissue is extremely close. Patients with leukemia often have swollen gums, ulcers, bleeding, etc.  7, hemophilia can occur spontaneous bleeding of the gums, etc.  8, the long-term use of certain drugs such as phenytoin sodium can cause fibrous hyperplasia of the gums.  9, certain types of gum disease such as juvenile gingivitis, periodontitis patients often have a family history, and thus consider a genetic factor.

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