Do all pears have the same effect?

Not all pears are the same efficacy, for example, the pear is mainly the Rosaceae plant, white pear, sand pear, autumn pear, such a tree species produced by the fruit, is slightly sour, sweet and cool in nature, has the effect of generating fluid, moistening dryness, clearing heat and phlegm, for fever after the fever, the damage of fluid, thirst, thirst, hot cough, cough and yellow phlegm and constipation and loss of appetite, can use such a pear to treat. In addition, for example, like the rose family of Sichuan pear, the efficacy of Sichuan pear is different, mainly used to eliminate food stagnation and stagnation, for eating too much meat, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea can be used for the treatment of dysmenorrhea, so not all the pear efficacy is the same.

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