How to disinfect your child’s belongings

When disinfecting your child’s belongings, pay attention to the following aspects: 1. Children’s toys are often scattered in various places around the house, and children have the longest contact time and often chew on them, so children’s toys must be disinfected regularly, especially now during epidemics of infectious diseases, which is especially important. At present, because some disinfectants are not effective against the new coronavirus, it is more recommended to use chlorine or strong oxidant disinfectants, in the disinfection of children as far as possible from the disinfection environment; 2, in addition to the surface of the house wipe, toys need to be placed in the disinfectant soak after wiping, drying, fully evaporate the smell of disinfectant; 3, children’s clothing can choose not strong oxidant drip disinfection clothing, and then placed in the sun to dry, generally 1-2 hours clothes can be dried. Generally 1-2 hours to dry clothes, bacteria, viruses are also eliminated; 4, children’s milk bottles, pacifiers, soothers, because of heat resistance, can be placed in a pot of high temperature steaming, can completely inactivate the current new crown virus.

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