What’s wrong with the tendons on either side of your neck?

The tendon pain on both sides of the neck may be related to cervical spondylosis, muscle strain, falling pillow, trauma, frozen shoulder and other reasons.

1. Cervical spondylosis: Changes in the curvature of the cervical vertebrae can cause excessive stretching of the muscles, which can cause neck pain and muscle stiffness. Herniated cervical disc compresses the nerves, causing abnormal innervation function, which can also cause neck muscle pain symptoms.

2. Muscle strain: prolonged head down chronic strain of the neck muscles, the formation of aseptic inflammation, can also cause pain on both sides of the neck, muscle stiffness.

3. Pillow fall: cold neck or pillow height is not suitable for night sleep will trigger pillow fall, resulting in spasm of the neck muscles, can also cause pain on both sides of the neck.

4. Trauma: Trauma causes neck muscle strain, local capillary rupture and bleeding, which can also cause swelling, pain, limited neck movement and other symptoms.

5. Frozen shoulder: bilateral frozen shoulder can cause the formation of aseptic inflammation of the muscles in the lower part of the neck, and the symptoms of pain on both sides of the neck can also occur.

There are many other causes of neck pain on both sides of the tendons, if not relieved for a long time, it is recommended to go to the hospital, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, and follow the doctor’s instructions for targeted treatment to avoid delays in the condition.

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