Testosterone measurement in women, high by 0.03 What is it?

The testosterone level in women is 0.03nmol/L higher than the normal level, which is related to drug stimulation, polycystic ovary syndrome, endocrine disorders and other factors. 1. Drug stimulation: generally due to women blindly taking hormone drugs, resulting in metabolic disorders in the body, which led to the phenomenon of women testosterone measurement, high 0.03nmol / L. 2. Polycystic ovary syndrome: polycystic ovary syndrome will lead to an increase in testosterone secretion in the female body, resulting in female testosterone measurement, high 0.03nmol/L phenomenon, and will appear amenorrhea, hairy and other symptoms. 3. Endocrine disorders: may be due to improper diet, bad habits and other factors, the body’s hormone secretion is abnormal, which in turn causes the phenomenon of female testosterone measurement, high 0.03nmol/L. In the clinic, if the female testosterone measurement, high 0.03nmol/L phenomenon. Clinically, if the female testosterone measurement is high 0.03nmol/L, you should go to the hospital in time, under the guidance of the doctor in order to clarify the specific causes of the disease, and give targeted treatment.

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