How to quickly eliminate leg swelling

If you want to reduce leg swelling quickly, you should clarify the cause of leg swelling. 1. if the leg swelling is caused by prolonged standing or standing, you can lie flat on the bed while elevating both affected limbs to quickly reduce swelling. 2. if the leg swelling is caused by varicose veins, you can wear elastic stockings to reduce swelling. 3. if the leg swelling is caused by pathological factors, such as kidney disease, heart disease, liver disease, you can use diuretics, such as furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, etc. You can use diuretics, such as furosemide and hydrochlorothiazide, to reduce swelling. However, for leg swelling caused by pathological factors, the most important thing is to actively treat the original disease, for example, patients with nephrotic syndrome can be treated with hormones combined with immunosuppressants. And patients with liver disease should definitely be treated actively, such as treating conditions such as hepatitis. For patients with heart disease, cardiac drugs can be used to enhance heart function, such as the clinically used Cetiran, etc.

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