Is it better to get a filling or braces for a rotten hole in your big tooth?

If the tooth is not violating the nerve, it is better to fill the tooth; if it has violated the nerve, it is better to wear braces after root canal treatment. 1. A rotten hole in a big tooth does not violate the nerve: the hole does not violate the nerve, that is, the tooth is decayed, you need to actively seek medical treatment for filling treatment is better, that is, often referred to as fillings, the main steps include: cavity preparation, cavity disinfection, cavity filling. The main steps include: cavity preparation, cavity disinfection, cavity filling. After filling can restore the beauty and function of the teeth and prevent further development of the disease. 2. Large teeth rot a hole invasion of the dental nerve: the hole has invaded the dental nerve, need to actively seek medical treatment for root canal treatment, the treatment needs to be restored crown is better, which is often referred to as wearing braces, due to the tooth loss is large and after root canal treatment, easy to cause tooth splitting, crown can be done to protect the remaining dental tissues, to extend the service life of the tooth.

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