Whether to take herbal medicine for stomach problems before or after meals

Whether to take herbal medicines for stomach problems before or after meals needs to be decided according to the nature of the medicine and the characteristics of the disease. For example, if the medicine is cold, or if it is used to treat a solid condition of the spleen and stomach, it is recommended that it be taken after meals; if the medicine is warm, it is recommended that it be taken before meals when it is used to treat a weak condition of the stomach. The first thing you need to do is to recognize the evidence. According to the theory of Chinese medicine, if the identification for the spleen and stomach weakness, taking warm Chinese medicine to regulate, generally appropriate to take before meals, to help the drug to achieve the best therapeutic effect; if it is food stagnation (food indigestion and stagnation in the stomach) stagnation of some of the real evidence, taking cool Chinese medicine, need to take after meals, so as to avoid stimulation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. It is best to find a doctor to identify and treat the symptoms, and follow the doctor’s instructions for medication. At the same time, we should adjust the diet structure during the medication, avoid eating spicy stimulating food.

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