Zinc Sulfate Allantoin Eye Drops for Dry Eye?

Zinc Sulfate Allantoin Eye Drops are not used for the treatment of dry eye, but work as an astringent and antiseptic for trachoma, chronic conjunctivitis, and canthal conjunctivitis. Zinc Allantoin Sulfate Eye Drops is a compound preparation consisting of allantoin and zinc sulfate, excipients. It is used to reduce ocular congestion and the irritating effect of irritants, and to promote wound healing, mainly for the treatment of springtime conjunctivitis, chronic conjunctivitis, canthal conjunctivitis, trachoma, and canthal blepharitis. Dry eye is caused by insufficient tear secretion or abnormal tear composition, mostly with dry eye sensation, burning sensation, foreign body sensation, photophobia and other symptoms, the treatment is commonly used to improve the symptoms of artificial tears, commonly used drugs are sodium vitreous acid eye drops, hydroxyglucoside eye drops. The adverse reactions of zinc sulfate allantoin eye drops are not clear. Contraindication is prohibited for people who are allergic to this product, acute cicatricial conjunctivitis. Note that if you find redness and pain in the eyes after use, you should stop the drug and seek medical attention. Zinc sulfate allantoin eye drops should be applied under the guidance of a physician, do not self-medication, so as not to cause adverse consequences.

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