Ways to Remove Dampness from the Abdomen

Chinese medicine believes that the abdomen is mostly related to the spleen and stomach in the middle jiao, and in removing abdominal dampness, you can choose drugs that strengthen the spleen, dispel dampness, and promote diuresis, such as ginseng ling bai ju san, etc. According to Chinese medicine theory, dampness can easily block the spleen and stomach’s function of transportation. According to Chinese medicine theory, dampness can easily obstruct the spleen and stomach in the middle Jiao, resulting in obstruction of the spleen and stomach’s transportation function, and the failure of the transportation of water and grains can easily result in food stagnation (the stagnation of food in the stomach due to indigestion) and water retention, which can further lead to abdominal distension. Therefore, the spleen can be strengthened to dispel dampness, diuresis in order to achieve the effect of removing abdominal dampness, in the choice of drugs can choose ginseng and atractylodes macrocephala. Ginseng, Poria, Atractylodes macrocephala, Chinese yam, white lentil, lotus seed, Semen Coix lacryma, etc., has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach and benefiting the lungs, and can be used for the treatment of the weak spleen and stomach, loose food (feces thin and not shaped), shortness of breath and coughing, tiredness and fatigue. When using it, it should be noted that patients with cold and fever should not take it. For patients with heavy dampness, it is recommended to go to regular hospitals for treatment under the guidance of professional physicians.

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