What’s wrong with the bumps on my butt after soaking in potassium permanganate?

After soaking potassium permanganate buttocks goose bumps, consider with folliculitis, allergies, burns and other factors related. 1. Folliculitis: usually due to the buttocks local hair follicle mouth blockage, excessive oil secretion and infection and other factors lead to local folliculitis, which in turn causes the phenomenon of soaking potassium permanganate after buttocks goosebumps, folliculitis may appear itchy, pain and other symptoms. 2. Allergy: usually due to the skin around the anus after contact with allergens, stimulation of the skin, which in turn caused the phenomenon of soaking potassium permanganate after buttocks pimples, and may appear itching, pain and other symptoms. 3. Burns: may be due to soak potassium permanganate during the skin burns, hyperplasia of the epidermis appeared keloid, thus causing soak potassium permanganate after butt pimples phenomenon, burns will generally appear pain and other symptoms. There may also be other causes for buttocks bumps after soaking in potassium permanganate, which should be consulted in time to avoid adverse consequences.

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