What are the benefits of kudzu for men

There is no special effect for men to eat Pueraria Mirifica. The effects of Pueraria Mirifica are mainly to penetrate rashes, relieve muscles and reduce heat (relieving heat from the surface of the skin), elevate yang to stop diarrhea, and produce fluids to quench thirst. The root is the dried root of the leguminous plant kudzu. It is sweet, pungent and cool in nature. It belongs to the spleen, stomach and lung meridians. It can relieve muscle fever, promote the production of fluids to quench thirst, relieve rashes, promote Yang to stop diarrhea, activate meridians and detoxify alcohol. It is used in treating external fever and headache, strong pain in the neck and back, thirst, thirst, impenetrable measles, hot diarrhea, diarrhea, dizziness and headache, hemiplegia, chest paralysis, heartache, and alcohol poisoning. Because of the cold nature of Pueraria Mirifica, it is contraindicated for people with deficiency cold, and used with caution for people with cold stomach and vomiting. Pueraria Mirifica is a medicinal food product, if used as a traditional Chinese medicine, it should be applied under the guidance of a doctor.

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