Is there a high success rate for IVF with hydrosalpinx?

The success rate of IVF with hydrosalpinx is not too high.
Clinically, the presence of hydrosalpinx may affect the combination of sperm and egg, and may also affect the implantation of the fertilized egg; if the implantation has been successful, the hydrosalpinx may reflux into the uterine cavity during the development of the embryo, affecting the development of the embryo, which may lead to miscarriage with aura, and at the same time, there may be symptoms of fetal developmental abnormalities, and so on.
If tubal fluid is already present, you will need to seek medical attention for various tests and treatment of tubal fluid before undergoing IVF. If it is caused by inflammation, antibiotics such as cefixime and amoxicillin can be used under doctor’s supervision; if the situation is more serious, surgical treatment, such as combined hysterolaparoscopic surgery, may be needed to avoid any impact on the success rate of IVF.

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