Can a child 14 years old grow taller by rubbing his calves?

The child is 14 years old rubbing the calf belly to grow taller is no scientific basis, after 14 years old can grow taller need to see whether the epiphysis is closed, if not closed can grow taller, if it has been closed can not grow taller. 14-year-old children can grow taller and rub the calf belly has no relationship, height and genetic factors, acquired environment, nutrition, etc., and genetic accounted for a large proportion of the day after day through appropriate sports, such as jumping rope, playing ball and other bouncing sports is also conducive to the growth of height. In addition, balanced nutrition, not picky about food can ensure the intake of various nutrients, is conducive to growth and development. You can take your child to the hospital to check the epiphyseal closure, usually strengthen the exercise, pay attention to ensure that the sleep, will be beneficial to the growth of height.

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