How to reduce redness and swelling after mosquito bites and stop itching

The redness and swelling after mosquito bites belong to insect bite dermatitis, which can be treated by physical therapy, topical medication, oral medication and other measures to reduce swelling and itching.
1. Physical therapy: you can use cool towels, ice and other cold compresses, can shrink blood vessels to reduce the symptoms of redness and swelling.
2. Topical drugs: you can use glycerine lotion, with astringent, anti-itching, anti-allergic effect; you can also use hydrocortisone ointment, compound dexamethasone ointment and other glucocorticosteroid drugs.
3. Oral medication: If the itching and swelling are severe, antihistamines such as cetirizine and loratadine can be taken, and in severe cases, glucocorticoid medications such as prednisone and dexamethasone can be taken orally.
If the symptoms of insect bite dermatitis are serious, you should go to the hospital in time and use medication under the guidance of the doctor.

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