Can you eat shrimp during menstruation?

Shrimp can be eaten during menstruation. 1, eating shrimp during menstruation will not adversely affect women’s health and normal menstrual cycle, period and menstrual volume. 2, shrimp is rich in protein, eating shrimp in moderation during menstruation can provide high-quality protein nutrients, which can help improve menstrual health and relieve menstrual fatigue symptoms. 3, shrimp is also rich in B vitamins, high quality fat, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients, which can replenish the loss of these nutrients due to blood loss during menstruation. 4, shrimp is generally cold in nature, you should not eat too much shrimp during menstruation to avoid causing abdominal pain symptoms. If the patient is allergic to seafood, it is absolutely forbidden to eat shrimp.

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