What’s wrong with the kid’s throat?

The child’s throat is always mmmm may be inflammation of the throat, tics, but also may be simply bad habits. 1. Inflammation of the throat: for example, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, often lead to discomfort in the throat area, such as a foreign body sensation or a large amount of phlegm, etc., but also may make throat clearing hmmmm sound to ease the discomfort. 2. Tourette’s syndrome: it may be caused by birth injuries or suffocation during labor, or it may be caused by abnormal brain development, which causes nerve stimulation in children, thus inducing tics and causing throat hmmmm. 3. Simple bad habits: some children may be imitating others or self-developed bad habits, no other symptoms. Children’s voice is always hmmm, there may be other causes, if accompanied by abnormal phenomena, should be timely consultation, identify the causes of targeted treatment. If it is caused by bad habits, need to be corrected in time.

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