What’s wrong with a child’s white eyeballs that have red blood in them?

Red blood in children’s white eyes may be caused by conjunctival infection, fatigue and other factors. 1. Conjunctival infection: usually caused by bacterial infection, viral infection and other factors. Clinical manifestations include conjunctival congestion, increased eye discharge and other symptoms. Under the guidance of the doctor, you can use ofloxacin eye drops and other drugs to treat. At this time should pay attention to avoid hand rubbing eyes, should pay attention to rest, try not to stay up all night, to ensure sufficient sleep. 2. Fatigue: generally due to eye fatigue, lack of sleep and other factors. The manifestation of conjunctival congestion and other symptoms, you can use eye drops under the guidance of the doctor. Children with red blood in the white eye, considering that it is due to a variety of factors, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to identify the cause of the disease, symptomatic treatment, so as not to affect the health. All of the above medications should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

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