What are the massage techniques for pediatric cough

The massage techniques for treating pediatric cough include pushing the lung meridian, transporting the internal eight trigrams, pushing and kneading the danzhong and the lung yu. Treatment of pediatric cough needs to be based on the child’s condition, identification, in the above basic formula for the addition and subtraction of manipulation of treatment. If the wind-cold cough can clear the lung meridian, open the door of the sky, push the qan-gong, rub the sun, push the three passes, rub the outer laogong, rub the small horizontal lines of the palm, and so on. For wind-heat cough, clear the lung meridian, open Tianmen, push Kanggong, knead the Sun, retreat the six internal organs, clear Tianheshui, and knead the small transverse lines of the palm. If the cough is caused by internal injuries, tonifying the lung meridian, tonifying the spleen meridian, rubbing the breast root next to the breast, rubbing the middle epigastric region, and rubbing the foot sanli. Parents are advised to bring their children to the doctor in time and have a professional doctor to operate, so as not to delay the condition.

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