Kids coughing a lot to coughing less is getting better

Frequent coughing to less coughing in children may be a sign of improvement. Coughing is a protective measure of the body, with the role of removing phlegm and cleaning the airway. Common causes of coughing in children include lung infections, allergies, bronchitis, etc. Coughing less frequently usually indicates that other symptoms are milder and the condition has improved, and relevant auxiliary tests, such as lung function tests and X-ray chest radiographs, need to be perfected in order to clarify the recovery of the disease. Children coughing frequently to cough less, this time should pay attention to keep warm, to avoid catching cold, to prevent recurrence of the disease. Coughing children, in addition to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions to take medication, parents should avoid advocating to the child arbitrarily take cough suppressants, so as to avoid aggravation of the condition or secondary infection. At the same time, in daily life also need to pay attention to eat a light diet, appropriate to reduce outdoor activities, often open the window ventilation, etc., in order to promote the recovery of the disease.

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