What is the widening of the left medial ankle joint space?

Widening of the left medial ankle joint space is usually caused by improper treatment of ankle fracture dislocation. 1. The ankle is not anatomically repositioned or not firmly fixed: there may be an increase in the valgus angle of the ankle or a shortening of the fibula, a widening of the ankle point in the case of an anatomical failure to reposition a fracture of the middle or upper part of the fibula, a destabilizing outward displacement of the talus, and a widening of the ankle joint space. 2. Soft tissue filling in the medial ankle joint space: if the soft tissue or broken bone in the medial ankle joint space is not cleaned up, there may be outward displacement of the talus and widening of the left medial ankle joint space. 3. The injury to the medial deltoid ligament of the ankle joint is not repaired: as the swelling subsides, widening of the medial ankle joint space and medial instability may occur. The widening of the left medial ankle joint space is recommended to be treated or treated after complete examination to clarify the etiology.

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