What goes well with valsartan to lower blood pressure

Valsartan and what drugs with good antihypertensive effect should be based on the patient’s condition, the response to the drug, etc. to assess, can not be generalized, for example, patients with coronary heart disease can be paired with calcium antagonists or B-blockers, patients with heart failure can be paired with diuretics and so on. The main effect of valsartan is to inhibit angiotensin II receptors, for patients with severe hypertension need to be used in combination with other drugs, the specific combination program should be based on the condition, individual response to the drug, etc., different patients can combine different drugs. If patients with hypertension are combined with coronary artery disease, valsartan can be used in combination with amlodipine to lower blood pressure and at the same time dilate the coronary artery to improve the blood supply to the heart muscle. Patients with fast heart rate can be combined with metoprolol, which can reduce heart rate and also control blood pressure, and patients with heart failure can combine furosemide and spironolactone. Combination of drugs should master the principle, increase the effect of antihypertensive at the same time side effects can be reduced, or other diseases can be treated at the same time, the specific combination of drugs program to follow the doctor’s instructions.

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