How to take care of lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease after surgery?

  1.Rest and activity: the affected limb is braked for 24 hours for those with compression hemostasis after endoluminal therapy puncture, generally 6-8 hours for those using vascular closures or vascular sutures, and bed rest for 8-10 days for vascular bypass surgery.  2. Monitor the condition: observe the skin temperature, color, sensation and pulse intensity of the affected limb. When measuring the skin temperature, the same part of both limbs should be selected. If the arterial reconstruction patient develops pain, numbness, pallor, weakening or disappearance of arterial pulsation in the extremity, it may be the occurrence of vasospasm or secondary thrombosis at the surgical site, which should be promptly reported to the medical staff and prepared for the exploration of emergency surgery. Patients receiving anticoagulation therapy should be observed for wound bleeding or systemic bleeding tendency.  3. Prevent infection: use antibacterial drugs as prescribed by the doctor and observe the adverse reactions of the drugs. Keep the incision dressing clean and dry, change the dressing regularly, and observe whether there are signs of infection such as redness, swelling, heat and pain in the incision. If there is fever (temperature over 38℃) and wound pain for a long time after surgery, it is necessary to report to the doctor for wound examination in time. The high incidence of wound infection is within 2-5 days after surgery.  4.Life guidance: patients should quit smoking; properly protect the affected limbs and pay attention to warmth. Prevent cold, moisture and trauma; choose comfortable flat-soled shoes and wear cotton socks; for patients with amputation, follow medical advice to carry out functional exercises for the residual limb to prevent joint stiffness and deformity and prepare for the installation of prosthesis.

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