Treatment of numbness in the right lower extremity

       The patient, a middle-aged female, was admitted to the hospital for 3 days with right-sided lumbar and leg pain. The patient had significant radiating pain in the right lower extremity, could not walk on the ground, had numbness in the right thumb, and had right thumb extension muscle strength of 2 and 2. The preoperative diagnosis was “herniated lumbar disc herniation with bilateral L5 isthmus fracture”, and the posterior decompression intervertebral fusion internal fixation (TLIF) was performed to improve the examination, and intraoperatively, it was seen that the disc prolapsed to the right and compressed the L5 nerve root on the right, and after complete decompression through the intervertebral foramen, intervertebral fusion internal fixation was performed to the contralateral L5 isthmus, after occlusion of the scar. The isthmus was debrided and bone grafting of the isthmus was performed. The operation went well, and the patient could walk on the ground one week after the operation, and the numbness of the right lower limb was obvious to the patient, and the muscle strength was significantly better than before the operation. Surgical situation.

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