What to eat for patients with atherosclerosis obliterans

  Diet regimen is the main measure to prevent atherosclerosis: (1) The calorie intake must be balanced with the energy consumed, and it is best to keep this balance within the standard weight range. If you are overweight, you should not only reduce your caloric intake, but also enhance your physical activity to strengthen your energy expenditure.  (2) Focus on reducing animal fat and protein in food, and strictly control meat food at every meal. Because even the leanest meat contains 10-20% animal fat, excess fat should be eliminated from the consumption of meat to reduce fat intake to a minimum. Do not eat chicken skin because of the high percentage of fat it contains. Eat pork or beef no more than 3 times in a week, and chicken or fish (excluding aquatic shellfish) is best the rest of the time because these contain less saturated fatty acids than meat such as pork or beef.  (3) It is best to broil, bake or roast meat or fish, not to fry or deep-fry. Because burning, grilling, baking can remove a considerable amount of unwanted fat from the meat.  (4) Reduce the intake of cholesterol. No more than three egg yolks per day (including other foods), aquatic shellfish (lobster, shrimp, oysters) are best eaten only two to three times per month, and less liver, kidney and other offal because, offal contains large amounts of cholesterol and fat.  (5) Use less or no mayonnaise with salad. It is better to use vinegar or soy sauce, etc., and cook more with vegetable oil and less with animal oil and butter.  (6) Eat no or less cream, candy or sour drinks, less sweets, less refined sugar, more standard flour and less refined flour. This improves digestion, reduces caloric intake, and also reduces intestinal absorption of fat and cholesterol.  (7) Restricting the above-mentioned diets also does not lack nutrition. Vegetables, fruits and various foods contain a lot of carbohydrates that can provide calories to the body. In other words, all kinds of foods, as well as black bread, brown rice, fava beans, peas, carrots, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits, peaches, pears and apples (preferably with skin), contain all the nutrients that the body needs. Supply all the calories a person needs without raising blood cholesterol.  (8) Eat regularly, do not add snacks between meals, and if you must, eat apples, raw carrots, cookies or other foods that do not provide fat content.  (9) Drinking coffee, tea and caffeinated beverages should be appropriate. These drinks stimulate the brain, heart and circulatory system, and stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, making people feel hungry. When thirsty, it is best to drink natural fruit juices, decaffeinated coffee, skim milk and water.

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