How many stages of lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease are there?

  There are four main stages of lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease, the early stage is the lower extremity cold, can not walk far as the main manifestation. In the second stage, the ischemia is a little more serious, there will be intermittent claudication, intermittent claudication is to walk a distance, after walking a distance at a normal pace or a slightly faster pace, the leg appears sore and even painful, stand for a while it will be relieved and can continue to walk, after walking to a certain distance and can not walk. In the third stage, the ischemia is more severe, and the pain in the toes will appear, which may be more obvious at night when sleeping at rest. The most serious stage is called the gangrene stage, where the ischemia is so severe that an ulcer or gangrene appears on the toe, which is accompanied by severe pain. Of course, to be sure, CTA of the arteries of the lower extremities is needed to determine this.  If a patient is to be clearly diagnosed with lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease, then the following symptoms are commonly seen, including intermittent claudication, resting pain or ulcerated ankle gangrene, and specific tests include: a. The first test to be done is the ABN test, which compares the blood pressure of the affected extremity with that of the brachial artery on the same side. Normally, the ratio of the lower extremity to the upper extremity is 1.1 or higher. If the ratio is below 0.9, it indicates the possibility of atherosclerosis and occlusive disease. In addition, if the ratio is below 0.5, it indicates severe atherosclerosis-occlusive disease.  Second, from imaging, ultrasound can indicate the degree of calcification, the severity of occlusion and the location of plaque in the blood vessels.  CTA can indicate a strong global view of the lesion in the occluded segment of the vessel, and can also show the degree of calcified stenosis, which provides a good clinical basis for interventional treatment. Other things are the DSN contrast examination.  After clarification, we can choose the appropriate treatment plan according to the specific situation.

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