Atherosclerotic occlusive disease prevention and care?

  Atherosclerosis is a local manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis in the limbs, which is a degenerative and proliferative change in the intima and middle layer of the arteries, resulting in thickening, stiffness, tortuosity and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls, secondary to thrombosis, causing narrowing of the arterial lumen and even obstruction, causing the corresponding ischemic symptoms in the limbs.  As atherosclerosis is often combined with hypertension, hyperlipidemia and damage to heart, brain, kidney and other organ functions, it is necessary to pay attention to the impact of various factors on the body, pay attention to diet and life conditioning, strengthen the body’s resistance to disease and delay the development of the disease.  Second, care 1, life conditioning: wear loose shoes and socks, often change, avoid friction and pressure. Pay attention to hand and foot warmth, avoid foot injury, avoid washing feet with cold water and water with too high temperature.  2, dietary conditioning: diet is mainly light, can eat easily digestible nutrients, avoid spicy and high cholesterol food.  3, mental conditioning: this type of patients are mostly middle-aged and elderly, the disease is long, more progressive aggravation, so the patient is very afraid of the disease, fear of gangrene or amputation of the limb. Patients should be explained in detail, encourage and enlighten, so that they establish confidence to overcome the disease, with a positive attitude to cooperate with treatment.

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