What are the effects and benefits of speed tablets

Tachycardia Tablets, also known as Furosemide Tablets, is a commonly used clinical drug, the main role and efficacy of which are diuretic, decongestive, antihypertensive, correcting hypercalcemia and hyperkalemia. Furosemide Tablets are suitable for the treatment of edematous diseases such as cirrhosis, renal disease and heart failure; primary hypertension especially when accompanied by renal insufficiency or hypertensive crisis; prevention of acute renal failure due to insufficient renal perfusion; for the treatment of hypercalcemia and hyperkalemia; for the treatment of dilutional hyponatremia and antidiuretic hormone hypersecretion and so on. Furosemide tablets adverse reactions are water electrolyte disorders, visual blurring, xanthopia, photosensitivity, dizziness, headache, thrombocytopenic purpura, etc.; children, the elderly, diabetic patients, patients with hyperuricemia or a history of gout, lactating women, athletes and so on should be used with caution; allergy, pregnancy is prohibited in the first 3 months. If patients need to apply furosemide tablets, it is recommended to use the medication under the guidance of a doctor, not blindly self-medication, in order to avoid adverse effects.

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