Causes of hemodialysis machine clotting and care measures

In hemodialysis, blood is drawn out of the body, through the dialysis device to the dialysis machine, to the dialyzer and then back to the human body, when the blood is circulating outside the body, it is prone to thrombinogenesis, and fibrin deposition, which can easily cause blood clotting. Therefore, it is necessary to add anticoagulants to the dialyzer for pre-flush before dialysis and heparin therapy during dialysis. In the past, ordinary heparin needed to be administered with a heparin pump, but now with development the use of low molecular heparin can reduce the coagulation state. And with better cardiac function of the patient, increasing the flow rate of hemodialysis can also slow down the clotting state, so anticoagulation should be taken care of during hemodialysis for smooth dialysis.

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