What’s wrong with kids who snore?

Snoring in children is considered to be caused by nasal polyps, adenoid hypertrophy, tonsillar hypertrophy and other diseases. 1. Nasal polyps: the pathogenesis of nasal polyps has not been clarified, which may be related to pathogenic microbial infection, heredity, immune mechanism and other factors. Affected children may have persistent nasal congestion, and in severe cases, they may snore in their sleep. 2. Adenoid hypertrophy: Adenoid hypertrophy often occurs in children, mostly related to nasopharyngitis. As the enlarged adenoids block the posterior nostrils, nasal congestion may occur, and snoring may occur during sleep. Some children may also suffer from throat discomfort, open-mouth breathing, stuffy ears and other symptoms. 3. Enlarged tonsils: The causes of enlarged tonsils include inflammation of neighboring parts, long-term stimulation of nasal purulent secretion, and over-nutrition. The children may have nasal congestion, hearing loss, throat discomfort, paroxysmal cough, chest tightness and other symptoms, which are manifested as snoring in sleep. There are many reasons leading to snoring in children, parents are suggested to bring their children to regular hospitals to find out the causes of the disease.

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