Does Watermelon Cream Work for Inflamed Tonsils

Inflammation of the tonsils belongs to the category of “milk moth (related to tonsillitis in Western medicine)” in Chinese medicine. Watermelon Cream is useful for tonsillitis of the lung-stomach-heat-explosion (the heat of the lungs and stomach is very heavy) type. However, it is important to note that a single herbal medicine has little effect and can be used together with other medicines under the guidance of a TCM practitioner to achieve the best therapeutic effect. Watermelon Cream is cold and clear heat, good at clearing the lungs, stomach, large intestine heat, and have heat and fire (clearing the body of heat and fire), swelling and pain (to eliminate swelling and pain) of the function, so the clinical treatment of sore throat, paralysis of the throat (pharyngeal redness, swelling, pain, or dryness, a foreign body sensation, or pharyngeal itching, discomfort, dysphagia), mouth ulcers, the best products. Modern clinical also use watermelon cream to treat mycosis vaginalis. Therefore, tonsillitis caused by heat in the lungs and stomach can take this medicine under the guidance of a doctor. This medicine has a certain degree of coldness and should not be used by people with deficiency cold. If used in the treatment of tonsillitis, it must be directed by a doctor.

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